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名家 | 经文能量于方寸-李姝仪的当代写经油画

2017-08-21 15:55

无实无虚,觉知流动方寸间。李姝仪新创佛经、咒语的当代书写及油画成相,破立行为间,感受宇宙本源能量的流动,在视觉领域开辟了新的探索维度。或许艺术创作者都是要进入一种忘我的空性状态,传递纯粹美的感受。而李姝仪的经文绘画双脚笃定地趟入了哲学之流-抽象精神的源头。较之世俗局限、普遍的审美认同不同的是,李姝仪新作传递佛法、灵文微妙的能量信息。 它是更为深层、宽广的一种能量引导。

It’s not virtual or actual ,yet we could feel the energy. Li Shuyi’s Modern-Writing of the Sutra and painting reached to a new level in form,realization and action because it makes you to feel the energy flow ,which is the source of the universe.Probably,artists just want to enter their selfless state and just enjoy the pure beauty when they are painting,but Ms Li’s work help her to find the source of philosophy and abstract.What’s more ,the energy flows on the canvas.Her new works present a different perspective to the audience due to her unnormal taste:the mind will give you a guide much more deeply and widely.


恒易如如-楞严咒三部五会 2015年

Change is Eternal,Part V from Section Ⅲ,Shurangama Mantra 2015


正觉真如遍十方《楞严经》三卷书 2015年

Change Fills the Space, Volume III from Surangama Sutra 2015


Each Sutra contains powerful energy,by writing sutras artistically , and observing the birth and death of the intention, one finally gets the mind.This is a new form of art created by Li Shuyi in 2010. Today,Ms.Li continues her writing of creation of the Shurangama Mantra and theShurangama Sutra. She works so carefully and artistically that she pays little attention to rest and food.She just let the sutras flow through her heart by brush . She does not care what is presented, but could aware of the energy accumulated in the sincerity of her heart.


真言境 2016年

Truest Words 2016


There will always be dreamlike sunshine as long as we don't loose the jewelry.


虚实之间-不会消失的风景 2016年

The scenery between virtual and actual will not disappear 2016


恒易如如-楞严咒之二 2016年

Change is Eternal-Shurangama Mantra Ⅱ 2016



Sutras flowing from her brush take us to feel the life--Contemporary Sutras-Writing by Li Shuyi


I appreciate arts but I prefer to taste arts by putting one’s stage creation into his whole growing process .The arts created by an artist during a particular phase could reflect the subtle changes of his artistic level ,and through which , we could see the depth of his understanding in art .Also ,we can see how far he could go on the exploration road.

李姝仪女士从拿起画笔到现在有三十余年, 她的艺术随着生活历程,逐渐抛弃现象世界物像的束缚,不断发掘生命内在真实,越来越趋向对宇宙实相的一种体验和表达。直到不拘一格地书写经文,甚至打破文字相,只去感受能量,正如《金刚经》佛授意:法亦无所说,乃渡河之舟,渡过就应舍弃。李姝仪的书写经文就是在既行既舍的无住相空性智慧中展现的一种艺术状态。在纯粹的状态下,我们能够感受到来自真诚信受行持正法所达至的悄无声息的一种渗透。这正是艺术的终极追求和所需要的表达,它具有唤醒的功能。通过经咒书写,观察意向生灭,最终得到对心境的自然定格。观其经文书写作品《楞严咒》,便知是潜心修行的那颗心带领着她的画笔游走在画布之上。较其他艺术品,李姝仪当代经文书写作品的画面更有洒脱自然的气息,以及一种更为真挚的凝聚力。

It's more than 30 years since Li Shuyi picked up her brush .With the increase ,gradually abandoning the physical constraints and continuing to explore the real of the inner life,her arts tends to express the reality of universe . Now her Sutras -Writing even breaks the words and becomes more artistic.She just feel the energy as what theDiamond Sutra says : Dharma is not trying to find or creat a new theory,but just like a boat.We should abandon it since we have crossed the river.Li Shuyi’s Sutras –Writing shows an art state,in which writing expresses a kind of wisdom:we give up something when we have gotten something and finally we can go ahead.In the pure state,we could feel the penetration from the sincere heart.That is the expression and ultimate pursuit of art.It owns the wake-up function.By writing sutras, observing the birth and death of the intention, finally we get the mind . Obviously, it’s her painstaking practice leads the art creation after we saw her Shurangama Mantra- Writing .Compared with other works of art,her Contemporary Sutras -Writing conveys more free natural flavor and genuine cohesion.





慈念心印 自在随风 2016年

Great Love of Mercy 2016


I met Ms.Li’s writing arts at the end of 2015 for the first time.At that time, I was organizing a manu for her ,which is an art summary. I was amazed when I saw this series of works. They brought me a visual impact,which is totally different from other arts I have seen before.The inpact is not an outbreak of hysteria.Those buddhist ures just like a string of strong signal,seemingly random but very natural.It leads us into a more broad space.When watched it once more ,the superposition of picture and color formed an emitted force from the inside-out.The sutras constantly lead the viewer to fathom the ethereal of universe and the meditation of things.The more time we spend in observing it,the stronger we can feel.


对治-楞严咒的救度 2010年

Sloution-Save Shurangama Mantra 2010


圣无量寿决定光明王陀罗尼 2010年

Long Life Dharani Sutra 2010


清澈的楞严咒和咒心 2010年

The Shurangama Mantra and Mantra are clear 2010


无执-心经的书 2016年

Liberal-A Prajnaparamita Book 2016



There are so many unknown things and huge shadows behind the good,but you have to face the truth and grow up ,though it's tough.



Purify oneself as time flys.


芽 2016年

Bud 2016


自在花 2016年

Flower of Free 2016



Ms.Li says the process of writing is a practice with compassion,every word calls for such a great love of mercy.


Contemporary art had gone through a confused time ,during which, to win the attention ,the artists exposed the scars of society and even hurt themselves . More and more artists try to find a real and effective concept of art and creative direction .In other words,they become more rational.I know that Ms.Li’s arts are not trying to explain ego,she hopes this new form of art could tell more friends that we should find the hope for the future with good and beautiful soul ,whether it’s art or life.Sutras flowing from her brush and practicing with love make her works full of kindness ,and it's moving more and more people.


Li Shuyi searches new language to express in daily life.Maybe she knows how to understand art spirit from Duchamp and  Beuys,by search her own art language and express way in oriental character,the spirit shows up during that state,even if it may disappear in the end. I sincerely hope she could bring us more achievements and surprises .










2006年 《本源求索-天青个人作品展》。

2007年 798时态空间 《中国当代艺术邀请展》。




2011年 上上美术馆 《走入新时代当代艺术展》。

2015年 上上美术馆 "希望田野"宋庄48行政村采风写生活动。

2016年1月 北京锦村画廊 李姝仪黄土风貌写生作品展。

2016年3月 北京锦村画廊 春的盛宴-锦村艺术展

2016年3月 北京俄罗斯文化中心 中俄青年画家作品联展

2016年8月 北京般若花庭-李姝仪新作及藏品展。

2017年3月 策划执行“般若花庭-明珠奖艺术收藏展”。

2019年 向宋庄当代艺术馆捐赠个人及收藏作品共计50件